Bolotov School.
Philip Day American publicist who has written a number of books that reveal the true face of the modern pharmaceutical business
In 1996, scientists at McGill Cancer Centers had a good idea: they decided to find out if doctors treating their cancer patients with chemotherapy would choose this method for themselves if they got cancer. They sent questionnaires to 118 doctors who treated non-small cell lung tumors. 79 questionnaires were filled. Sixty-four out of seventy-nine physicians spoke out against a trial of cisplatin (Cisplatin), which is used in chemotherapy. 58 physicians found all types of trial treatments unacceptable. What was the basis? Inefficiency of chemotherapy and exorbitantly high degree of toxicity!
John Cairns, professor of microbiology at Harvard University, already in 1985 stated in Scientific American: of cancers encountered, no relationship can be drawn between sudden changes in mortality rates and chemotherapeutic treatments.Certain rare cancers are excluded from this statement.Evidence that widespread cancers can be cured by chemotherapy has yet to be presented.
The testimony of honest and fearless doctors and researchers against the effectiveness of chemotherapy spans many pages in both books. Chemotherapy helps to shrink the tumor, but this does not mean that the patient is cured or prolongs his life. There are two more statements to be made here. Dr. Alan C. Nixon, former president of the American Chemical Society, stated, “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me how physicians can ignore the indisputable facts that chemotherapy does more harm than good.” And Dr. Ralph Moss, deputy director of community affairs at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in Manhattan, the most famous research institute in the US, says: “There is no evidence that chemotherapy prolongs the life of the patient in most cases. This is the BIG LIE around this topic, namely that there should be a direct relationship between tumor regression and patient survival.
All of this could have been just a verbal debate if it weren’t for Dr. Ulrich Abel of Heidelberg, a cancer statistician. For several years he studied the effectiveness of chemotherapy.[2] First, Ulrich Abel analyzed the specialized literature, where “in the rarest cases” the conclusion was given about “insignificant therapeutic success of medical measures in the treatment of advanced carcinomas.” Abel then conducted a survey of hundreds of oncologists. They unequivocally confirmed the distrust of doctors in chemotherapy.
Results of a study of patient survival after chemotherapy treatment
- Stomach cancer: no survival data.
- Pancreatic cancer: extremely negative results. Higher chances of survival in the non-chemotherapy control group.
- Ovarian cancer: no data available.
- Cervical cancer/uterine cancer: no increase in chance of survival.
- Brain cancer and throat cancer: no chance of survival, tumor regression. Colorectal carcinoma: no evidence of an increased chance of survival.
- Breast cancer: no evidence of improved chances of survival after chemotherapy.
Was Abel lonely? No. In 1998, in the journal The Ecologist[3], one could read an article by Walter Last: survival chances of cancer patients, he concluded that “even if there is no improvement, patients are better off when they are not treated.” This disturbing admission has not been refuted to this day. three other scientists confirm the theory of Dr. Hardin Jones“. In the name of saving the authority of doctors: naturally, not a single doctor, conducting scientific treatment of a patient, deliberately tortures him, not giving him a chance to survive. Paul Winters [4] (Paul Winters) observed: “Pharmaceutical companies have a strong influence on what they train future doctors who do not have time to familiarize themselves with statistics or methods of cancer treatment. Doctors are guided by educational material presented to them within the walls of the uniUniversity, or articles about the latest developments and research data in a highly specialized medical journal. The doctor cannot afford to be distrustful of them and to express doubts about the effectiveness of treatments to the pharmaceutical companies – their sponsors, who nurture and influence the higher education system.”
Chemotherapy is a product of chemical wars
A ship loaded with mustard gas (mustard gas) exploded in World War II. An autopsy (autopsy) of the team members showed that mustard gas caused the destruction of rapidly growing tissue with a simultaneous decrease in the ability to reproduce white blood cells. From this it was concluded that this gas is capable of destroying fast-growing cancer cells.
We agree with the statement of French cancer specialist Professor Charles Mathe (Charles Mathe) [5] Cancer center The chance for a cancer patient to survive is far from such a center.
- Christian Brothers,
- Dr. Ulrich Abel: Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer, 1990, Healing Journal, no. 1-2, ed. 7, Gershon Institute (
- The Ecologist, Vol. 28, No. 2, March/April 1998, page 120
- Paul Winters: The Cancell Home Page,
- Charles Mathe, Scientific Medicine Stymied, Medecines Nouvelles (Paris) 1989 “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide to Cancer”