“It’s hard to find a black cat in a dark room,
but that doesn’t mean it’s not there!”
Confucius improvisation
Today, medicine can detect a cancerous process when it has already been localized in the tissues of the body, or has given the first signs of changes in the mucous layer. Before that, he
quietly, latently begins many, many years before the diagnostic trouble, since in medical science there is still no substantiated etiological theory of its nature.
This means that there are no signs of its early fixation, even at the level of microscopic comparisons. As they say, you don’t know what to look for and what to see.
Therefore, today, the entire methodological set is effective and error-free only when there is something to consider, pinch off and take material for research.
But these are always already phases of a localized form of the process, which, before that, develops in the body for 7-8 years. As you know, almost all existing tumor markers are far from always informative and may be normal, even when, for example, colonoscopy or MSCT already detects oncology and the onset of metastasis.
Therefore, it is meaningless to talk about modern screening at the level of the preventive stage, or the stage of secondary risk, after full courses of treatment. All these unconditionally necessary measures, unfortunately, are already fixing, albeit small, but already formed formations. Therefore, today the practice of preventive surgery is being widely introduced, which involves cutting off any tubercle, in fear that it may degenerate into oncology. This is precisely the mistake, since approximately 80% of the total distance of the process falls on a latent, symptom-free period.
An alternative view of the nature of cancer
The first shifts of an organism into photosynthesis form new relationships and balance between various substances in it. First of all, this concerns amino acids and microelements, which are always determined in any kind of synthesis. This means that there are dominant groups of trace elements that largely determine both of these processes. Of the 104 chemical elements currently known to science that make up the periodic system of Mendeleev, more than 70 are part of organisms.
Besides the main uterine group (nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen),
which is part of the protoplasm of cells, other microelements are involved in the construction of enzymes (sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium), others affect the physicochemical properties of protoplasm and maintain the colloidal state of cellular proteins (sodium, potassium, chlorine).
But the protoplasm of plant cells is built on the basis of chlorophyll, and that of animals on the basis of hemoglobin. In science, it has long been determined that chlorophyll and hemoglobin are oppositely similar.
The differences are determined by the fact that the porphyry core of chlorophyll contains photoemission elements of the periodic table (magnesium, zinc, silver, mercury, germanium, selenium, fluorine, cesium, strontium), while the porphyry cores of hemoglobin contain thermionic elements (iron, nickel, cobalt, copper, gold, etc.). One of the fundamental differences between plant cells and animal cells is that plant protoplasm consists mainly of chlorophyll, and animal protoplasm of hemoglobin.
Chlorophyll differs from hemoglobin only in that the porphyritic nuclei of chlorophyll contain magnesium, while the porphyritic nuclei of hemoglobin contain ferrous iron. Therefore, chlorophyll is green and hemoglobin is red. The color of chlorophyll is due to the photoelectronic effect of magnesium, which, from the action of photons – the green-red colors of the light spectrum – can be released from its free electrons. Hemoglobin has a red color only due to the fact that when electrons bombard iron atoms, hemoglobin will emit red light.
So, when a shift occurs in the body, many amino acids and microelements, without which a healthy body simply cannot function normally, turn out to be dangerous for it, as they become active conductors of the oncological process (B.V. Bolotov).
And these are precisely those trace elements that are dominant in plant biology.
First of all, these are magnesium and zinc, and in the second less active group – potassium, sodium, calcium and selenium. This confrontation, with a change in the functions of microelements of alkaline groups, is accompanied by residual phenomena that can be observed at the molecular level.
constructions. Fig 1-B, 1-C.
For example, when divalent zinc attacks ferrous iron in a porphyritic core, this forms a characteristic molecular chain that, in its graphicsvery similar to the structure of conifers. And this is of particular interest, since it is fir species that are found in samples of ancient periods and it is they who today are long-lived plants living from 2000 to 4000 years (Sequoia, Cypress, Thuja, Pine). It turns out that in the body of living beings, photosynthesis forms the relic molecular graphics of its best primordial representatives. Fig 2.
When you look at these blood samples, you understand how ingenious and endless nature is and what possibilities lie in the human potential for its knowledge.
Now let’s compare the molecular graphics of our blood in the shift period and the graphics of the plant world in spatial manifestation.
When the process of photosynthesis has gained strength in the body, the blood under the microscope will look like in Fig. 3-A, 3-B, 3-C. If an oncological process began to form in the body, then our blood will look like in Fig. 4-B. With the development of an oncological process, blood under a microscope looks like in Fig. 4-A, 4-B, 4-C.
Scientific understanding of the change in the role of trace elements in the oncological process was expressed by B.V. Bolotov in 1998. Studying various protocols, including alternative and traditional medicine, he drew attention to the fact that the use of drugs with a high content of magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium and selenium always aggravates the condition of cancer patients, according to the intensity of the process. Understanding these mechanisms, Boris Vasilievich published in his book “Human Health in an Unhealthy World”.
I remember how, in the early 2000s, biochemists giggled about this, recommending that he digress from nuclear physics and look into textbooks on physiology. Then Bolotov replied that his understanding of the process allows him to create an unmistakable marker of remote screening.
A group of his followers and students took up the implementation of this idea and in 2003 it was created, and in 2004 laboratory research began. Several clinics around the world have begun testing people without established oncological diagnoses, but with a number of specific disorders in the body. The first results on remote forecasting appeared in 2010. Since 2014, the marker test has been used to screen cancer patients during treatment using various methods. In 2015, an understanding of its capabilities and significance was finally formed. The first patenting of the BGS-15 test marker took place in Ukraine.
BGS 15 test marker
The marker captures the attack on the ferrous iron in the gem. It is fixed in intensity and duration in time, using a reagent applied to the surface of the erythromass fixed on a glass slide. To do this, it is enough to take a blood test from the ring finger. The reagent captures the inhibitory intervention of divalent zinc, by substitution, of ferrous iron in hemoglobin.
This method differs from all existing onco-markers in that there is no need to see specific substances, tumor waste products, and substances produced by tissues in response to cancer cell invasion. This is basically a phase of an already developed, localized process where testing can be judged as overdue.
The advantage of this method is that there are still no signs for establishing an oncological diagnosis using all modern research methods, and the initial and developing process in the body can already be fixed. Medicine has never seen or observed such pre-oncological patients, which is of great importance for the search for future methods of preventive and therapeutic measures.
If we talk about the screening value of BGS-15, then it allows you to monitor cancer patients against the background of any treatment used, which allows you to accurately determine its effectiveness or harmfulness. I would also like to note that the use of this science-intensive technology, due to its simplicity, allows you to quickly compile entire regional cancer risk maps. And this is information of strategic, demographic significance.
The creation of this technology is dedicated to Nelya Andreevna Bolotova